The representative from St. Martins Hospital also stated that Five Thousand Two Hundred and Three (5,203) clients reported for the treatment of the virus, and only Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty-Seven (1,747) comprising Six Hundred and Thirty-Nine (639) males and Thousand One Hundred and Eight (1,108) females are on regular treatment. Judging from the two submissions, out of a total of Six Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-Two (6,862) clients, only Two Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty-Nine (2,289) are on regular treatment, whilst Four Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy-Three (4,573) have stopped visiting the facilities. Both hospitals have lost contacts with these clients due to failure to do follow-up. When personnel of the facilities investigated as to why the clients stopped visiting for treatment the following observations such as stigma and discrimination, treatment fatigue, amongst others were made. According to the health professionals, the clients who receive regular treatment and maintain an undetectable viral load (UVL) are less likely to transmit the virus to others through sexual contact.