central administration

Selorm Tibu Municipal Cooridinating Director
The Central Administration Department is the secretariat of the Lower Manya Krobo Municial Assembly (LMKMA) and is responsible for the provision of support services, effective and efficient general administration and organization of the Municipal Assembly. The Central Administration Department is headed by the Municipal Co-ordinating Director.The Department is responsible for managing all sections of the assembly including; Records, Estate, Transport, Procurement, Accounts, Stores, Security and Management Information Systems.

Samuel Adjinbaruk Administrator
The Department is responsible for managing all sections of the assembly including; Records, Estate, Transport, Procurement, Accounts, Stores, Security, Management Information Systems.
The Department also coordinates the;
- General administrative functions
- Development planning and management functions
- Budgeting functions
- Rating functions
- Statistics and information services, and
- Development of the Municipal Assembly.
The MPCU is responsible for coordinating, monitoring preparation, implementation and appraisals of development plans of the GA South Municipal Assembly.It is headed by the Municipal Planning Officer.
The M.I.S Unit is responsible for the deployment of Information and Communication Technologies to increasing the Assembly’s operational efficiencies and enhancing Service delivery.
The primary objective of Internal Audit function in the Assembly is to assist management in the effective discharge of their responsibilities. The scope of the IAU’s work is to determine whether the Assembly’s network of risk management, control and governance processes, as designed and presented by management, is adequate and functioning.
Phone: +233 342296660