1. Site Inspection (Lot 1: Atua Junction – Adjikpo Road, Lot 2: SAS George Road and Lot 3: Storm Drain & Box culvert at Manaam)
2. Correction of minutes from previous meeting
3. Matters arising from previous meeting
4. Comments and Observations from site Inspection
a. Atua junction – Adjikpo Road
b. Sas George Road
c. Storm drain & Box culvert at Manaam
5. Progress Reporting by Contractor
a. Lot 1: Atua junction – Adjikpo Road
b. Lot 2: Sas George Road
d. Lot 3: Storm drain & Box culvert at Manaam
6. Remarks on Progress Report
7. Contractor’s planned works for December 2023 (Lots 1,2 and 3)
8. Financial Status
9. Contractual Issues if any
10. Any Other Business
11. Closing